Time to Pivot: Why It's Not Enough to Invest in Stocks Anymore

Get ready to learn how to slash equities market downside risk, get creative with your investments, and discover the best ways to achieve financial success in this new era of investing. Trust us, your future self will thank you!

Time to Pivot: Why It's Not Enough to Invest in Stocks Anymore
Photo by Joshua Mayo / Unsplash

If you have had dreams and aspirations of becoming the next Warren Buffet, it looks like your time has run out. Simply due to the fact that investing is not what it used to be. It's evolved quite a bit in the past decade and if you're still using old-school investment strategies, you might be in for a rude awakening. Yeah, I'm talking to you, Mr. or Ms. Buy-and-Hold-Forever.

With the Fed tightening up monetary policy, you can't just sit back and watch your stocks grow anymore. Nope, it's time to pivot and diversify your portfolio. But don't just take it from me, there are some insights out there on how to navigate this new era of investing and keep your portfolio in tip-top shape.

Slash Equities Market Downside Risk

Your friendly neighborhood financial guru (aka me) has some advice for all you investors out there. If you're currently riding high on the stock market wave, it's time to cash in and reduce your equity risk. Don't be that person who waits until it's too late and ends up losing everything (we've all seen those sob stories).

The thing is, the equities market has been one of the biggest winners during the easy-money era. But with liquidity drying up and interest rates climbing higher and higher, it's only a matter of time before equities take a major hit. And when that happens, you better believe you don't want to be caught with your pants down.

So, what should you do? Simple. Be prepared for the storm that's brewing. Brace yourself for the headwinds that are coming, such as an earnings recession and a broader economic downturn. And for goodness' sake, don't be greedy! Take those gains while you still can, and maybe treat yourself to something nice (or save it, if you're boring like that). Trust me, your future self will thank you.

Get Creative with Your Investments

If you're feeling adventurous and want to avoid putting all your financial eggs in one basket, diversifying your portfolio is the way to go. And while you might be tempted to go all-in on GameStop, it's probably best to explore some alternative assets instead.

According to the experts out there, fixed income, commodities and listed infrastructure are worth checking out. Bonds and fixed-income options are about as safe as a seatbelt, with attractive returns relative to recent history. And if you're into specific sectors, investing in healthcare, energy and utilities might tickle your fancy, though we're not naming names here.

Now if you're worried about inflation, listed infrastructure might be your knight in shining armor. It's an inflation-mitigation position that outperforms both fixed-income and equities during periods of low economic growth and high inflation.

Listed infrastructure refers to companies that own and operate essential infrastructure assets, such as toll roads, airports and utilities, and are publicly traded on a stock exchange. Investing in listed infrastructure can provide investors with stable cash flows, as these companies typically have long-term contracts and a reliable customer base.

Meanwhile, commodities are like the Timex of investments - they can take a lickin' and keep on tickin'. They offer long-term strength as finite resources and are less susceptible to fluctuations in inflation.

All in all, explore alternative assets and keep an eye on inflation. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to financial prowess.

Fortune Favors the Bold

A lot of investing gurus are all gung-ho about Chinese equities for the next six months. Apparently, China's reopening and all the pent-up demand are going to give a boost to these stocks. But don't get too excited. Beyond the six-month mark, the optimism fades away faster than a cheap tattoo.  With the main worry being all the geopolitical tensions and policy uncertainty that could put a damper on things.

So, if you're considering investing in Chinese equities, you might want to take a step back and weigh the risks and rewards. Or if you’re the risky type you could try to sneak in for a potential pump-and-dump scenario.  However, proceed with caution because, with the way international relations are going these days, that scenario is about as predictable as the weather.

Salt’s Takeaways

Unfortunately, it’s time for all of us to face the music and accept that we need to pivot from our traditional investment strategies and adapt to the new era of 2023 and beyond. No more sitting around and hoping for the best - it's time to take action!

So, what's the secret sauce to success in this new era, you ask? It's all about diversifying your portfolio with alternative assets like fixed income, commodities, and listed infrastructure. This will help reduce downside risk and keep your cash flow stable when the going gets tough.

And let's be real…the equities market may not be as hot as it once was. So, it might be time to consider short-term opportunities in emerging markets like China. Don't worry, I'm not suggesting you pack up and move to Beijing. But keeping an eye on these opportunities could be the key to unlocking some serious gains.

Of course, you don't have to go at it alone. With the help of some expert guidance and careful consideration, you can successfully navigate this new era of investing and achieve your financial goals. And if you want to follow my recipe for financial success, just remember to stay informed, diversify your portfolio, and always keep a sense of adventure in your investments.

Happy investing!


Is it still wise to invest in stocks?

Yes, it can still be wise to invest in stocks, as they have historically provided higher returns than other asset classes over the long term. However, it's important to diversify your portfolio and consider your risk tolerance and investment goals before making any investment decisions.

Will the stock market recover in 2023?

It's tough to predict with certainty if the stock market will recover in 2023, as there are many factors that can impact its performance. However, historically, the stock market has always shown resilience and has recovered from previous downturns, so it's reasonable to assume that it could do so again in the future.

Will a stock ever go away?

Yes, it's possible for a stock to go away. If a company goes bankrupt or is delisted from a stock exchange, its stock may become worthless or disappear entirely from the market.