Money-Saving Family Travel Tips

Family Vacations are rough and expensive here are my best money-saving travel tips for families.

Money-Saving Family Travel Tips
Photo by Chris Galbraith / Unsplash

If you can almost feel your wallets heating up as the warmer weather rolls in you’re not alone. Summer is already inherently expensive as it is, what with gas price increases, kids are home from school and eating everything in sight.

Plus, by the second week, they have read every book, played every game, and tested your patients beyond the brink. And still, you’re looking to travel with them (bless you.)Let’s unpack some family-focused money-saving travel tips to inspire your creative budgeting during this season. 

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Planning Ahead

When it comes to trimming your travel budget, a little foresight goes a long way. Planning ahead not only eases your mind but can also considerably fatten your wallet when done right. Let's delve into some strategic planning tips that can help keep your finances in check while you venture out with the family.

Book in Advance

Securing your travel arrangements early can lead to substantial savings, especially during peak travel seasons. Airlines, hotels, and rental services often reward early birds with lower prices, enticing you to lock in your plans ahead of others. 

For the best deals, start by checking well-known travel sites like Expedia,, or Kayak, where you can compare prices across a broad spectrum of options. Remember, the earlier you book, the better the prices tend to be—aim for at least three to six months in advance if you can manage.

Off-Peak Travel

Traveling during less popular times of the year can be a game-changer for your budget. Typically, the busiest months for travel are June, July, and August, when the weather is warm, and kids are out of school. 

By planning your family getaway during the shoulder seasons—think late September through November, or March to early May—you can enjoy significantly reduced rates and thinner crowds. This not only makes for a more relaxed vacation but also stretches your dollars further as accommodations and attractions lower their prices to attract visitors.

Research and Compare

Taking the time to compare prices across various travel platforms can lead to surprising cost savings. Websites like Trivago, Google Flights, and TripAdvisor offer a wide array of pricing options, helping you pinpoint the best deals available. 

If the plethora of choices starts to feel overwhelming, consider enlisting the help of a travel agent. Many agents receive their commission directly from hotels or resorts, meaning their expertise can come at no additional cost to you. This can alleviate much of the stress of planning, allowing you to focus on packing and preparing for a memorable family experience.

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Accommodation Choices

Choosing where to stay can drastically affect both your budget and your trip experience. Here are some savvy tips to consider when selecting accommodations that won’t break the bank.

Alternative Lodging Options

Hotels are not your only option when it comes to finding a place to stay. Consider hostels, which offer budget-friendly shared rooms perfect for larger families or groups. Vacation rentals like those found on Airbnb or Vrbo can give you the comfort of home at a fraction of the cost of traditional hotels. 

For the adventurous family, camping is another great alternative, providing a unique way to connect with nature while keeping costs low. Each of these options not only saves money but also offers a different travel experience that could make your trip even more memorable.

Location Considerations

While staying in the heart of the city or right by the beach may sound appealing, these prime locations often come with a hefty price tag. Opting to stay slightly further away from major tourist attractions can lead to significant savings. 

Suburban hotels or guesthouses just a few miles away from the center can offer lower rates, and with public transport or a rental car, you’ll still be within easy reach of all the sights. This small change in your stay strategy can trim down expenses dramatically, letting you allocate those savings to other parts of your vacation.

Rewards Programs

Signing up for hotel loyalty programs can be a great way to save money if you prefer sticking with traditional hotels. Many chains offer rewards programs that accrue points with each stay, which can be redeemed for free nights, room upgrades, and other perks like free breakfast or late checkout.

These programs are typically free to join and can offer immediate benefits, such as discounted rates or access to members-only deals. Whether you travel frequently or just once in a while, joining these programs can provide value in both the short term and long term.


Transportation Tips

Navigating your way around a new place doesn’t have to drain your wallet. Here are some transportation strategies that can reduce your travel expenses while still getting you where you need to go.

Public Transport Over Taxis

Whenever possible, opt for public transportation over taxis or rental cars. Most cities offer comprehensive transit systems, including buses, trains, and subways, which are much more cost-effective. 

These public services are often reliable, and you can purchase day or week passes at a fraction of the cost you would spend on taxis. This choice not only saves money but also offers a glimpse into the everyday life of locals, enhancing your travel experience.

Carpooling and Rideshares

If public transport isn’t an option or if you're traveling in a group, consider carpooling or using rideshare apps like Uber or Lyft. These services often cost less than renting a car and paying for parking. 

Plus, with options like Uber Pool or Lyft Shared, you can share rides with other passengers, cutting costs even further. This approach is not only wallet-friendly but also environmentally friendly, reducing the number of vehicles on the road.

Walking and Biking

One of the best ways to explore a destination is on foot or by bike. Many cities are equipped with bike-share programs, or you might find that your accommodation offers bikes for guests to use. 

Walking or biking allows you to take in the sights slowly, discover hidden gems not accessible by car, and truly connect with the area. Not to mention, it’s completely free! Integrating walking or biking into your travel plans is not only economical but also contributes to a healthier, more engaging trip experience.

Food and Dining

Dining out can quickly become one of the biggest expenses during travel, but with a few smart choices, you can enjoy delicious meals without overspending. Here’s how to save on food and dining while still savoring the flavors of your destination.

Cook Your Meals

One of the most effective ways to save money on food while traveling is to cook your own meals. If you're staying in a vacation rental or a hostel with kitchen facilities, take advantage of this by preparing breakfasts or even a few main meals yourself. 

Shopping at local supermarkets or farmers' markets not only cuts costs but also adds an element of local flavor to your cooking. Even simple meals like sandwiches for lunch or cooking pasta for dinner can drastically reduce your food budget.

Eat Like a Local

Avoid dining in restaurants located in the main tourist areas, which tend to be more expensive and less authentic. Instead, venture out to where the locals eat. Local eateries often offer better prices and more authentic dishes. 

Don’t hesitate to ask for recommendations from local residents or check online for reviews on platforms like Yelp or TripAdvisor to find popular spots that offer good value for money. Trying street food is another affordable way to immerse yourself in the local cuisine—just make sure to choose vendors that are busy with a steady flow of customers.

Bring Snacks and Water

Whenever you're out exploring, carry your own water bottles and snacks. Purchasing drinks (especially water) and snacks throughout the day at tourist attractions can quickly add up. By bringing your own, you avoid the high costs of convenience buys and can snack healthily and on your own terms. 

Consider packing items like fruits, nuts, or granola bars—snacks that are portable and not too messy. Refilling your water bottles at your accommodation can also cut costs and reduce plastic waste.

Activities and Entertainment

Engaging in local activities and entertainment doesn't have to come with a high price tag. Here are some tips on how to enjoy your vacation fully while still keeping an eye on spending.

Free Attractions

Many cities boast a wealth of free attractions, such as museums, parks, and historical sites, that offer no-cost admission. It blew my mind to find out that Washington D.C. allows free admission to pretty much all of its museums and national monuments. 

These can provide insightful experiences without affecting your budget. 

Research ahead or visit local tourism websites to find days when museums offer free entry or parks that don't charge for visits. Additionally, exploring neighborhoods and local landmarks on your own can be a fulfilling way to immerse yourself in the local culture without spending a dime.

City Tourist Cards

Investing in a city tourist card can be a smart move if you plan on hitting several paid attractions. These cards often provide free or discounted access to many of the city’s top sites, as well as additional perks like public transportation, guidebooks, and even discounts at restaurants and shops. 

For example, in Houston TX their city pass card gives well over 50% off at all of there major attractions including the National History museums, the children's museums, the boardwalk, and NASA.

Check the costs against your planned activities to see if a pass makes financial sense—(it often does), particularly in cities rich with attractions.

Local Events

Participating in local events such as markets, festivals, and community celebrations can be an enriching and economical choice. These events typically offer free or low-cost entry and give you a fantastic glimpse into local traditions and lifestyles. 

They also tend to be family-friendly, offering activities for all ages. Keep an eye out for event calendars in local newspapers or tourism boards to find out what’s happening around town during your stay.

Stay Flexible

Embracing flexibility during your travels can lead to unexpected joys and significant savings. Here’s how staying adaptable can enhance your travel experience and keep costs down.

Last-Minute Deals

If your travel dates and destinations are not set in stone, you can benefit from last-minute deals. 

Airlines, hotels, and even popular attractions sometimes offer substantial discounts to fill seats, rooms, or admission spots that otherwise would remain unused. Websites like or the mobile app HotelTonight specialize in these kinds of deals, providing excellent opportunities for savings. 

Keeping an eye on these can allow you to snatch up luxury experiences at a fraction of the usual cost.

TIP: Try looking for last-minute deals for cruises. Especially in off-season times. They have to staff the ships and stock the pantries, they are willing to offer steep incentives to fill those empty rooms. 

Adaptable Itinerary

Having a flexible travel plan can be a big advantage for your budget. Instead of a rigid schedule, allow some leeway to adjust your plans based on current circumstances. This might mean visiting a museum on a day when admission fees are waived or switching your travel dates slightly to catch a local festival or event. 

This flexibility can help you avoid peak times at popular attractions, improving your experience and reducing costs. Weather can also impact plans; being adaptable means you can swap outdoor activities for indoor ones at the last minute, ensuring that no day is wasted.